Alex's Blog


Having thoroughly enjoyed my time at Essex International Jamboree in 2016, I didn’t hesitate to sign up for the newspaper team at NORJAM, a similarly sized Scout and Guide Jamboree in Norfolk.

The media team at UK Jamborees is a fairly tight-knit group – it’s almost a family – so it was unsurprising to see a lot of familiar faces throughout the “office” (a cricket pavillion). There were still plenty of new recruits though (especially in the newspaper team) but it didn’t take long for us to really get into the swing of things.

There is one thing we (almost) all have in common though: a sweet tooth. Luckily we were well stocked with options ranging from the obligatory cakes at cake o’clock (3pm Monday-Sunday) to milkshakes from the shake shack and 26 litres of strawberry jelly that catering “didn’t know what to do with”. We did. It was great fun shaking the fridge while it set, but I don’t think many of us want to see one ever again.

The state of the “office” by the middle of the week

The week absolutely flew by as I wrote articles and features from across the site and beyond. A visit to nearby Pleasurewood Hills with the social media team was certainly a thrilling day out, while the trip into the centre of Norwich gave us a chance to hunt some rather fancily decorated hares.

As before I can’t share the articles here directly due to copyright, but all (official) issues of The Norticle are available on Issuu:

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