Alex's Blog

Version 0.0.1

Gaia is working!


One of the first successful tests of Gaia’s materials system. 1000×500 at 1000 samples per pixel. Left: hollow glass sphere. Centre: ideal Lambertian. Right: metallic.

Well, the basics are at least. I’ve implemented Kajiya’s rendering equation well enough to get physical looking results, but there’s still a long way to go.  Monte Carlo integration or non-spherical objects for example…

Version 0.0.1 allows the rendering of simple scenes built from spheres, using idealised material BRDFs and basic lighting. The Oren-Nayar reflectance model was also implemented as a first attempt at a true BRDF, but the current implementation can leave unwanted artefacts.

The code is available on github:

Release 0.0.1

Rendering methods:

  • Distributed (stochastic) path tracing


  • Spheres
  • Triangles (unstable)

Material BRDFs:

  • Ideal Lambertian, dielectric, metallic
  • Oren-Nayar reflectance model (buggy)
  • Blinn-Phong shading model (in-progress)
  • Diffuse area lights

Acceleration structures:

  • In-core multithreading support

Output file types:

  • .hdr
  • .ppm

Plan for 0.0.2: quads and a Cornell box.

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